I'll bring the fruit bowl.
I have a vision. My eyes don’t see it, but my heart does. So I set the table by heart instead of sight.
On Tuesdays, I pack a bin full of anything pretty I can find in my house. Tablecloths from the linen closet. The vase of flowers from the kitchen. The candles from the bathrooms. The colorful candy dishes. The frames and decor scattered around the house. And the fruit bowl.
Even the fruit bowl.
Lifa loads the bin in my car while Chris holds the baby and kisses me goodbye. A lot of heads turn as I lug that awkward bin - fruit bowl, flowers, vase full of water and all - up the stairs and into the meeting space of a popular sports facility. I turn on beautiful music and get to work. That meeting space, set between a sports pub and a cricket field, turns into a mama haven. A one-hour experience.
What I see with my heart is an army of moms who are filled with joy because they know their identities in Christ first and foremost. It’s an army of moms who are no longer lonely because they have the hope of the world and each other. They come for a power hour in a beautiful environment and leave with eternal truths that will change them forever. I see moms coming home happier and healthier, thus impacting their families and the next generation. I see women gathering and learning created order: to prioritize their purpose and passions with God first, then husbands, children and their households.
It’s called Help Club for Moms.
I stumbled across the American-based ministry through a YouVersion Bible plan. I did my research and reached out to them. Our values align, and I was encouraged, prayed over and fully supported to bring the Help Club for Moms to Cape Town.
We’re doing this thing. Fruit bowl and all.
There’s nothing like the Help Club for Moms in Cape Town. My heart and hope see the two very, very small Help Clubs I’m facilitating now multiplying. Leaders being born and groups popping up all over the place - in homes, schools, coffee shops, sports fields, wherever moms are. I see conferences gathering women and calling them to their created design, calling out the purposes and passions in their lives. Most importantly, I see hope-filled, happy, healthy moms pouring love from the abundance in them into their husbands, children and households. I see the Help Club for Moms making families stronger. Expanding the Church. Living out the message of the gospel.
It feels a little like I’m winging it right now. I’m nervously driving to the venue while praying people will come and boosting posts on Facebook, not knowing where they’ll land. I’m tilling soil. Doing the groundwork to establish the name and build some credibility. Something people want to come to.
I’m bringing a fruit bowl.
I bring the fruit bowl because, to me, nothing feels more welcoming and abundant that a big, happy bowl of fruit. It says, “Taste and see... There’s plenty, and it’s good.”
Maybe there’s a subconscious part of me that hopes that even if I get the words all wrong, the fruit bowl will do the talking. Or maybe I’m hoping beauty and abundance penetrates the noise in the lives of the moms who walk through the doors. Whatever it is, I’ll keep bringing the fruit bowl.
Please pray with us for Cape Town’s Help Club for Moms. Pray for abundance, traction, growth, and a whole lot of life change. And click here to “like” our Facebook page to help us gain momentum!
You guys are the best.