We had a Birth Day Party

My sweet, angel-baby niece was born in Texas one week ago! 

Happy one week, Evie B! You are so loved!

Happy one week, Evie B! You are so loved!

Last week, as my sister’s one-million hour labor began, I felt that familiar sensation in my tear ducts as my heart stretched to another hemisphere. I haven’t seen my little sister-mama in five years. We’ve both reproduced since then! As sweet Evie-baby was slowly making her way into the world, I was having sympathy pains, speaking nonsense, and chucking my to-do lists out the window. We were having a baby. It just could not be a regular Tuesday.

I put the Help Club for Mom’s audiobook in my ears to borrow wisdom and perspective from other moms while I pushed Benjamin around the neighborhood. I heard their Scriptures and stories in bits and pieces while my mind raced. At the end of that walk with those moms (in my ear buds), I made a decision. 

First, I remembered: 

• I am not the only human on this planet whose desires and realities do not align in every moment of the day. 

• I am not the only one who has felt capsized by her own emotions. 

• I am not alone, even in the most extraordinary circumstances. Because my circumstances are not who I am. 

I decided to live according to my values, not my emotions. I want my home to know my heart, not my hype. 

I don’t want my home and my people to be casualties of circumstances. There’s no security in that. I dug down deep, past my thoughts and feelings, to consider why my reaction was so strong. It was as simple as this: I love to celebrate my family. I love to honor the lives of those that I treasure. I am a commemorator of moments and milestones. And I punctuate life with parties. 

I could feel crazy and out of control because I lived so far from my sister. Or I could have a birth day party! I could throw Evie B a party instead of throwing myself a pity party (which usually looks like secret chocolate and crying in the shower).

Our home reverberated with excitement. Choosing joy is contagious. Choosing celebration over sorrow left a mark on us all. 

Also, it should be known that Evie still wasn’t born when we went to bed on Tuesday night. I may or may not have (loudly) declared: “No one is eating cake until I see a picture of a baby!” We had cake for breakfast on Wednesday morning and stared  at a perfect baby girl! 


It still tastes like a taco.


A message for the mamas about your homes