How to Live a Life-Well Lived

I’m still thinking of GoGo’s life and the way it changed the trajectory of mine. (See GoGo’s tribute here.)

Every day you can turn on the news and see how one person changed another person’s life with evil. It’s the people not featured... the moms and dads and teachers and gogos... who choose good that are changing the world for better. 

Want to know how to change your life and make others better? Start today. 

In today’s Thankful Thursday, I share practical truth on how to live a life well-lived. The simple answer is this: Know your purpose and keep your eye on the prize. 

Knowing your purpose might seem lofty and overwhelming. It’s totally not. Here it is: Love and be loved by God. That’s it. The beginning and the end.  

It’s keeping your eye on the prize that determines how we shape our days and what we wrap our hearts around. Check out today’s video here for the 3 steps on how to keep your eye on the prize! 


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A Tribute To GoGo