He Put It In Our Hands

I set up a studio on my bathroom floor last night- the only space in my house available to film a live teaching! I strategically positioned myself to keep the toilet and missing drawer knobs off-camera, and I spoke to moms around the world about the miracles I have seen. 

Remember the stories of Jesus feeding 5,000 and 4,000 families with just a few loaves of fish and bread? (Matt 14 and 15) There were leftovers! I’ve seen food multiplication miracles with my own eyes It’s happened in my own hands. (You can hear the stories in the videos and read them in my blog later this week.)

The miracles - the abundance, the leftovers - happened in the disciples’ hands and in mine. He gave them the bread to distribute, and He gave me a big wooden spoon to scoop with. 

Jesus put everything needed for a miracle into our hands. Today is the day! You are invited into heaven’s unlimited miracles, abundance, and leftovers. It’s Giving Tuesday - the perfect time to spread God’s glory throughout the earth.

Help Club for Moms is an all-volunteer organization made of busy mamas changing the world. If you want to help distribute miracles, encouraging the mamas who are packing the fish and loaves lunchboxes for their little ones is a great place to start!

Click here if you want to be a part of Giving Tuesday and give to Help Club for Moms through the website.

Click the image below to give through Facebook.

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The Best Thanksgiving Ever!


Make It Beautiful