A wild Friday morning in the Ladd house!

Happy Friday! I’m writing today’s story 11 hours earlier than I usually write  just in case we don’t have electricity tonight. A big, wintry storm is expected to blow through the cape today and the nationwide electric company has already warned their systems may not be able to endure the weather. I don’t have anything deep or meaningful to share with you, but you just might find our Friday morning comical.

Here’s what has happened so far today: Benjamin woke up and almost instantly had a forehead-to-corner encounter. He’s got a big shiner but was unfazed. He started running laps and emptying cupboards with impressive velocity. He is leftover stir crazy from being inside during yesterday’s full day of rain. I cleaned the kitchen twice before Lifa got out of bed at 7am. Teachers could not “give permission” but heavily suggested parents keeping kids home from school today because of the weather. The rain let up, so I made a quick decision to listen to my Bible this morning while Benjamin got his dose of outdoors from inside the waterproof cover of his stroller. (Ever heard of the Daily Audio Bible? It’s so cool!) I rushed to change for a jog and ended up screaming in surprise and dancing around my bathroom while Benjamin dumped every pair of socks I own into the bathtub. THERE WAS A BEE IN MY PANTS! A biting bee. It bit my leg, and then we engaged in a full on battle of Mom vs. bee vs. keeping toddler away from the bouncing, biting bee that would not die. I was sweating by the time I got dressed, and it was raining again. By this point, I was the one who needed to go outside for the wellbeing of the entire Ladd family. Chris suited me up in his best rain jacket; I handed that baby a rice cake for the road; and we did it. 

It’s 10am, and we’re all recovering from our bites and bruises and that broken record sound of a restless toddler’s whine. We’ve taken care of the lows and the extremes of the day, now it’s time to drink coffee and have some fun!

I don’t know what your Friday is going to look like. I hope it doesn’t involve a bee in your pants.  But, whatever today brings, I hope you can drink some coffee, have some fun, and maybe even jump in a puddle! 


I had forgotten


Red nails and dark chocolate