We got a Fun Box!

There’s something magical about the earliest morning hours for me. Tiptoeing through the dark to make coffee, cracking open God’s Word, and getting your head and heart in the right place before the day begins. Benjamin also loves that time of day and doesn’t want to miss anything. When I wake up extra early to get ahead of him, so does he! So... we got a Fun Box. 

After a particularly early morning this weekend, I loaded up the boys to head to the Crazy Store. (Equivalent to America’s Dollar Store.) I bought a little Fun Box and filled it with inexpensive picture books, race cars, and stacking cups. In the mornings, when Benjamin is ready to party and his mama wants to worship, I bring the Fun Box to his crib. He only gets that box when it’s time for quiet play. I turn on a dim light and let him have quiet playtime while I sit in a chair to have my own quiet time. He often looks over and checks in on me. He sees me reading or singing, and I smile at him and tell him I’m praising the Lord. He’s even started to put an arm up in the air to show he understands “praise the Lord”. 

We’ve had a few lovely, long (30 minute) mornings this way, and a few that have only been 5 or 10. Although I sometimes crave long, quiet morning hours to myself, I am choosing to believe something eternal is being instilled in Benjamin and in me during those morning Fun Box hours. 

I want my children to look back one day and remember playing with a Fun Box while their mom worshiped. I want their hearts to know - even before their minds do -  that Mom’s strength comes from Christ alone. I want Scripture-based songs to be the soundtrack to their childhood play and to pour out of their lips when they’re not even thinking about it. We will start one early morning at a time!


A bigger plate


Ice Sheets