Do You Have a Faith Unicorn?

Chris just started a new sermon series on Big Faith. It’s a great time to jump in. One of my favorite parts was when he told a story about David (my virtual personal trainer) interrupting our training session to get Chris on the screen and tell him, “Chris, you are not allowed to believe that God is not in control.” Chris just looked at David and said, “You know what. You’re right. I’m going to go think about that.” And then we went back to burpees.

Chris told the church that David and his family are our “faith unicorns”. People who live by faith at all times and in all things - and only seem to get more faith-filled in adversity are like unicorns. You always hope you’ll find one, but you never know if you will. We’ve found our faith unicorns! (I have no idea how he thinks of these things.) But I hope to be someone else’s faith unicorn one day!

Check out Southpoint’s service! Chris’ message starts at 19:30.


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