The Smell of Fire

There is nothing more attractive to me than my man teaching the Word of God. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ This week, Chris went off of his own script and taught me something new. He was telling a story about Jesus showing up after his resurrection and inviting the disciples to stop working and come have breakfast with him. The unexpected twist was when Chris started talking about Peter and the burning coals.

You see, Peter ran out of the boat where he was fishing to get to Jesus. When Peter arrived to the beach, Jesus was already cooking on burning coals. The smell of the fire had to hit him immediately. Chris reminded us that our last Biblical encounter with Peter and burning coals was the night he denied Jesus three times.

This time, at that fire, Jesus gave Peter a chance to be fully restored. He asked Peter to say β€œI love you” three times, canceling the denial, just like Jesus canceled our debt. It was such a powerful reminder that our lowest lows, greatest regrets, biggest mistakes and deepest wounds can be healed when we come to Jesus.

The sermon series is called β€œTime Well Spent”, and, let me tell you, that your time would be well spent to listen to this message! (I kick off with talking about birthdays at 22:30 and the message starts after that.)


Prepare a Place for God's Spirit


πŸ™Œ The Friday Call to Worship πŸ™Œ