I have no idea what Tipp-ex is.

One of my favorite parts of the week is called Southpoint Prays, when I livestream from Southpoint Church’s Facebook account. It’s a safe, encouraging space for the church to rally in the teaching Chris shares, take it a step further in practical application, and pray together. It’s been amazing to watch the church rally for prayer and find a sense of belonging virtually.

I loved Chris’ message on Sunday, and we had a powerful time during Southpoint Prays discussing it. I had to ask the South Africans to help me remember what they call “white out” in South Africa (Tipp-ex.) while we talked about the freedom of knowing you’re a sinner. If you consider yourself a mistaker, it’s like continuously applying white out… ahem, tipp-ex. However, when you realize you can boldly approach the throne of grace to confess your sins, you get a fresh new page, new mercies every morning - every moment you ask for them.

There’s freedom in knowing you’re a sinner because you know you need Jesus. We can take off all the fluff and be who we truly are because we become our true selves when we recognize our need for Jesus.

Here’s the video from this week’s Southpoint Prays!


🙌 It's the Friday Call to Worship! 🙌


We Will Always Birthday.