πŸ™Œ It's the Friday Call to Worship! πŸ™Œ

There has not been a more destructive week In my 11+ years in South Africa than this week. My family and I remain safe, but many lives and livelihoods are lost to fire and fury of epic proportions. The nation, hearts and hope have been shaking for 7 days.

The songs and encouraging messages about God making our dark days better have fallen flat on me. He never wanted us to hate, kill, steal or destroy in the first place. Our God is bigger than crisis management. The wise words of Charles Spurgeon are the ones reaching my heart right now.

β€œGlory be to God, our kingdom cannot be moved! Not even dynamite can touch our dominion: no power in the world, and no power in hell, can shake the kingdom which the Lord has given to his saints. With Jesus as our monarch we fear no revolution and no anarchy: for the Lord hath established this kingdom upon a rock, and it cannot be moved or removed.” -Spurgeon

While we live in a broken world, residing in a nation that is breaking itself at the moment, "we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken." (Heb 12:28) While we rally to support victims of violence and pray for the brokenness of the instigators, we find our true hope in Christ alone. The promises of peace are found in His Kingdom, no matter what is happening around us.

Today, while you pray for South Africa, worship God with reverence and awe. While fires burn factories, remember that "our God is a consuming fire." (Heb 12:29) He's going to win in the end.

Listen to Hillsong United's "Know You Will" while you worship!


This is the message you want to hear


The Weight of the World