πŸ™Œ It's the Friday Call to Worship! πŸ™Œ

I was unsettled at the beginning of the week, looking for comfort, peace and something to make me feel good as we began another week of level 4 lockdown. I turned to God again and again, while simultaneously turning to my own abilities, lists, plans, comfort food, coffee, and on and on.

During one of the moments I turned to God in worship, I listened to the song "Wildfire" by Housefires. As the artist beautifully sang of God's love being like and uncontainable fire, He gave me a picture. I saw the hills of the Lowveld where we used to live, systematically marked off by fire breaks. Farmers there protected their assets by creating breaks in the land to prevent a spontaneous flame from reaching their livelihood.

God was revealing to me that my lunges for control, even the ones with good intentions, were serving as fire breaks. They were "protecting" me from the power of full exposure to Him. Even my hopes and dreams, when unsurrendered or girded by fear, can be fire breaks.

We have a God Who leaves the 99 for 1. He lost His life so we could find ours. His love truly is like a wildfire. He can consume our doubts, fears and replace our creature comforts with peace that surpasses understanding when we let Him.

πŸ”₯Listen to Wildfires today, and surrender your fire breaks! πŸ”₯


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