πŸ™Œ It's the Friday Call to Worship! πŸ™Œ

This week I was tempted to count the "no's" in my forever-long prayer list, measure shortcomings, and surrender to the overwhelmedness of undone areas. No one would have passed a judgment if they knew what I was entertaining. In fact, a quick scroll through social media would have given the storm in my mind a big "Yes and Amen!"

While I've danced with this destructive mindset, my toddler has been trying to make sense of the world around him. His imagination is kicking in, along with his understanding of the "good guy/bad guy" narrative that's existed longer than the earth we live on. He cries out in the night, exposing the dreams dancing through his sleep, and reminds me how important our daytime realities are. The messages we rehearse shape our reality, and we are all invited to live in the unlimited abundance and love of our unlimited Father.

In my house lately, we are constantly repeating, "Monsters aren't real. The Bible is real." And, "God's team is the good team." I want my children's "Yes and Amen" to be written from the inside out as life takes shape around them. I approached the "good guy/bad guy" battle in my mind the same way.

"Monsters aren't real. The Bible is real." "The monsters" that whisper I'm not enough, don't have enough, or "it might just not work out" actually do exist. But they are liars, and their team doesn't win in the end. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He vanquished monster-like realities like shortcoming, storms, walls and death with miraculous multiplications, silencing storms, walking through walls and rising out of his own tomb.

Let's all join in the eternal narrative today. The final "Yes and Amen" has already been spoken over all of us, so join in the triumphal procession toward their fulfillment. Listen to Housefires, "Yes and Amen" today and cling to the One who is really real.

"For all of God’s promises find their β€œyes” of fulfillment in him. And as his β€œyes” and our β€œamen” ascend to God, we bring him glory!" 2 Corinthians 1:20 TPT


The "Bridge the Gap" Plan


The One Where Chris Admitted Throwing Me in Front of a Bee to Save Himself 🐝