πŸ™ŒIt's the Friday Call to Worship!πŸ™Œ

I attended a groundbreaking ceremony for an orthopaedic unit at a children's hospital this week. Our church has given generously so children near and far can access exceptional medical care, so we were invited to commemorate this special moment.

A 14-year old patient walked confidently on stage with a prosthetic leg during the ceremony. He glowed as he shared his unbelievable story, starting with a premature birthweight of only 600 grams (1lb, 5 oz). He's virtually grown up in hospital care, and his life has been miraculously spared again and again.

But his story wasn't sad. The 14-year old boy with a prosthetic leg and a hospital life smiled the truest smile. His story wasn't traumatic. It was joy-filled. He was calling out doctors who'd saved him to wave their hands and encouraging his audience to be brave. He even said, "It doesn't matter how many times you fall down, only how many times you get up."

That young man did not utter the name of Jesus, but light shone through him. I could see the Healer in the hospital. Sometimes healing happens in our hearts and in the way we see our stories rather than in our bodies.

This world will have trials. There will be amputated limbs and amputated dreams. But will we still let the Healer hold us? Will we receive His healing through prosthetic limbs, pruned relationships and differently-shaped dreams?

There's no better time to worship than right here and now with the life you have today. God is here today, and His Presence is where we find our hope, our healing and the truest joy.

Listen to Israel and New Breed's rendition of, "Here I Am to Worship".


Somebody Prayed For Us Today.


πŸ™ŒIt's the Friday Call to Worship!πŸ™Œ