Chill People

Chris coined the term “chill people” when we moved to Cape Town several years ago. We were not (and are not) “chill people” but seemed to live in a city full of them.

Chill people take picnics to the beach, even though there’s going to be sand in their food. They take their kids to concerts on summer nights, even though they’ll be up way past their bedtimes. And they go to the same places at the same time as everybody else because who cares about traffic and waitlists - the more the merrier!

I like to think I’m a “faux chill person” these days. I’ve planned every minute of the day with options A, B, and C, and prepared two meal options with another in the freezer. And then daily… hourly… have the opportunity to let it all go to do the thing that works instead.

I am so happy to pivot, bend and curve for the good of my people. But I’m still going to make the plans we break. It’s in me.

The days sometimes stretch verrrry long, and we just faux-chill right through it and have as much fun as we can! This is Thursday. It was a turn-around-in-the-parking-lot-before-you-ever-get-out-of-the-car, fly by the seat of your pants, great day. Click the button below to see the video and the fullness of Thursday’s splendor!


🙌It's the Friday Call to Worship!🙌


The small moments matter.