πŸ™ŒIt's the Friday Call to Worship!πŸ™Œ

The human olfactory sense, or sense of smell, is considered to be the most emotionally intimate of the five senses. An article in the Harvard Gazette explains smell is the only sense that fully develops in the womb, and smell and emotion are stored as one memory because of the brain's anatomy.

We may not understand the science of the olfactory bulb sending signals to the limbic system, but something stirs within us at the smell of cookies baking in the oven, freshly cut grass, a salty ocean breeze, and our personal gamut of scents that bring up stories, sensations and memories.

Our Creator was so intentional with His creation. Humans have the most phylogenetically primitive yet emotionally intimate sense of smell from the moment we're born. Yet animals rely on their noses purely for survival. Humans, every single part of us, are uniquely wired for intimacy and connection. Even more incredible than our olfactics are our hearts, designed for worship.

I've had much less margin in my days lately with all three kids on school holidays. Quiet spaces to think or worship are few and far between. When I had a glorious 10 minutes in the car by myself recently, I cued up an old worship song I had listened to on repeat for a season of life. I can't remember anything about the season of life. The song is very simple. But the first chords instantly tuned my heart to worshiping God. It was amazing!

Our noses are made to smell, and they will smell. Our hearts are made to worship, and they will worship. We get to choose what we worship when we choose what we give our value, affections and attentions to. The first notes of an old song brought me back to intimacy with God because it was wired so deeply inside of me.

Let's wire ourselves for worship. This week I listened to Rick Pino's "My Romance". Listen to that or turn up a song that you've worshiped God intimately to.

"Let everything that breathes sing praises to the LORD! Praise the LORD!" -Psalm 150:6


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