πŸ™ŒIt's the Friday Call to Worship!πŸ™Œ

Our uniquely wired 5-year-old loves music. More often than not, we listen to one or two worship songs in our van before he says, "MOM, CAN I SING?" That's my cue to turn the music off so he can sing his own song.

I'd call our son's genre a fusion of "delightfully five" and "deeply worshipful". Yesterday he sang about "Jesus the Messiah who saves you" and the land of Cana. He'd stop to share something seemingly out of place... a memory from months ago and an interaction with a schoolmate... then pick right back up with his song.

God gave me understanding as our five-year old psalmist worshiped and chattered. Our son's usually-anxious spirit was syncing with the Holy Spirit. Worship didn't make him stop missing his grandparents or make playground relationships easier, but he was indirectly processing his struggles with His Maker. Worship is the place we were all made to process the world from.

Yesterday, when I heard "MOM, CAN I SING?" I pictured David the shepherd boy, surrounded by sheep, sky and a complicated set of relationships shouting, "LORD, CAN I SING?" I wondered if those shepherd psalms were like our son's, Spirit to spirit meetings for processing and becoming "a man after God's own heart". I wondered if David's songs shaped him for kingship.

Spirit-shaping and future-making happens when we say, "LORD, CAN I SING?" while the world is still messy and life still doesn't makes sense. Sing, beloveds. Worship with your whole complicated heart and soul. If you don't, the rocks will! He will do the work while you worship.

Listen to Naomi Raine sing "Cry Out".


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