πŸ™ŒIt's the Friday Call to Worship!πŸ™Œ

I am a song repeater. It is not unusual for me to continuously listen to one worship song for a season. I find that, with repetition, the very first chords of the anthem draw my heart to God no matter what's happening around me. I am currently listening to "Gratitude" by Benjamin William Hastings again and again. That's the song I shared in last week's call to worship.

Friday friend, I must confess that I've been ignoring a nudging. God's gentle and wise Spirit has brought another season's song to mind, specifically for you, several times in the last two weeks. "Dearly Loved" by Jimmy Needham was the first song I played on repeat until my heart started to believe it. It was almost 20 years ago, and I was a young university student. A friend, who was very hip on cutting edge technology, put the song on a CD for me. I listened and listened as I waded into Living Water and started to get wet for the first time.I've hesitated in sharing this song because it's not technically a worship song, and it's not my season's song. But when the Living God nudges, I can trust He knows what He's doing even when I do not.

Jimmy's short and sweet song calls you to know your value and find what really matters. When we do that, we are invited into a life where there's "no greater joy, no greater peace, no greater love." When you know and live like a dearly loved child of God, you cannot help but worship Him. I'm confident that this song is for you or for someone you know this week. Enjoy it, dearly loved one. Worship your Maker with your whole dearly loved being.

Listen to Jimmy Needham's "Dearly Loved".


πŸ™ŒIt's the Friday Call to Worship!πŸ™Œ


A message from Dad