πŸ™ŒIt's the Friday Call to Worship!πŸ™Œ

Brittanica encyclopedia defines "amen" as "an expression of agreement, confirmation or desire". The ancient word's Semitic root means "firm, fixed or sure" and is related to the Hebrew verb that means "to be trusted". Jesus' words "Verily, verily" or "truly, I say to you" in the Gospels is written in Greek as "AMHN, AMHN".

My post-prayer amen can often be translated as , "This is me, God, signing off!" It can be a standardized salutation after a list of requests, sometimes enunciated with hope and sometimes mumbled in heaviness.

Jesus calls Himself "the Amen" in Revelation 3:14. It's not just that His teaching is true. It's that He Himself is the Word and the Truth. The Son of God, His life laid down, and His tomb left empty is the everlasting Amen - the one and only Way.

My prayers change when I think about Jesus as "the Amen". Saying "amen" is not using good prayer manners. It's not hitting, "send" to make sure God gets a notification in His inbox. It's not even saying, "If you don't give me what I'm asking for, I'll grin and bear it through this, God."

Amen is, "Yes, because you're God." "Yes, because I'm Yours." It's, "This is more than I can wrap my head around, so I'll 'amen' in mountains and valleys because Amen is with me." Amen is Jesus. Finished. Secured. Alive in you. There is no ceiling your "amen" bounces off of, and there is certainly no shortage in your Father's house. Don't stop praying and asking, but, remember, you'll find your "Yes" in Jesus rather than in your requests.

Listen to Rita Springer's, "AMEN!"


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