πŸ™ŒIt's the Friday Call to Worship!πŸ™Œ

I am speaking to a group of moms this weekend about parenting in this high-tech, digital age. I'll cover the basics of brain development to empower moms to decide how to support their children in each stage of life. Humans are born soft and underdeveloped. Meanwhile, hoofed mammals are walking and baby baboons are clinging to their mother's hair as she swings through trees within hours of birth. Human brains are 25% developed at birth, with just the lower portion of the nervous system "online". The frontal cortex is the is the last part of the brain to fully develop in our 20's and is responsible for judgment, impulse control, decision-making, and insight.

It can seem daunting for parents to raise children in a world that offers unlimited access to information, even before brains can process it. Yet I'm sure that our good, good Father is not surprised by smartphones, AI, TikTok, or the gamut of other accessibility. His design was not incomplete.

You see, in the beginning, the Creator of heaven and earth stooped down in His favorite garden, rich with goodness and life, to form humanity. He made humans to need to walk with God to know how to live. He gave us unique minds that form in the context of experience and relationship, literally being shaped by what we see and do. He knew we would need that uniquely human innovation to co-labor with Him and have dominion over His beautiful world.

Most importantly, He shaped us with the primal need to love and be loved. An infant requires full contact, around the clock care. Don't we require the same of our Heavenly Father?

We don't have to be afraid of this world because we are victorious through Christ. We don't have to know everything about everything because our Daddy holds the keys to the Kingdom. We just have to walk with Him, trust Him, and let Him be the one who shapes us.

Listen to Chris Tomlin's "Good, Good Father".


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