Exciting News Alert


Exciting News Alert 🙌

Thanks to a generous donation, we’ve just paid off Benjamin’s ENTIRE YEAR at his speical needs preschool and over 1/2 of Lifa’s full year of fees at his government high school! God is so good!

Scroll down for more on giving and to see the financial breakdown in the secion called “Real Talk”.

Join Our Support Team

Why Give?

The Ladd family relies largely on donor support to live and serve in Cape Town, South Africa. We tangibly experience God's faithfulness month by month when the finances coming in.

God isn't just using the Ladd Family for church-building and foreign missions. Our incredible donor support team is in it with us! There's a role for everyone in God's Kingdom.

We want to personally thank those of you who give to our family. We think of you and pray for you daily.

What are the Needs?

The Real Talk.

It was a little weird and very counter-cultural to leave our well paying, grown-up jobs to live on donor support. But still… God has used His faithful, generous kids through our highs and lows, global pandemics, and economy crashes. He’s never let us go, even when we couldn’t see how we’d get to the next month.

We believe in being fully transparent so you know what you’re investing in.


Currently, we have a $1,500 deficit in our monthly budget. Would you consider joining our montly giving team in whatever capacity you are able?


  • Lifa’s school fees: $3,680 for 2024. New total: $1,512 for 2024!

  • Legal fees to cover application for Chris, Kacy and Benjamin’s South African visa renewal: $1,895

How to Give

Every dollar you donate to our family is processed through an organization called Shepherd’s Staff

Shepherd’s Staff’s mangages missionary and church-planting finances with integrity and excellence. They sends donations that have come in for us as a monthly “salary” and handle our US government tax documentation.

When you give, Shepherd’s Staff will send your tax deduction documentation straight to you. Shepherd’s Staff cares for us and our donors greatly. You can learn more about their cause by visiting their page.