The Trail and the Table

Sometimes I worry about our "YES" to remain in South Africa.

Chris and I wholeheartedly know God has authored every step of our story, and we are right where we are supposed to be. It is our joy to love and lead Southpoint Church.

I worry about the repercussions of my kids growing up without their grandparents, cousins, and extended family members. I wonder what it's like for foreign soil to be your only familiar soil. I lost sleep last night because we are taking Benjamin into a government office today to apply for new visas. He will happily be wedged between his parents, reading books about super heroes. But I want to protect them from confusion, corruption and every little shard of sin of this world.

That's my flesh. My small-mindedness.

So I look up and out at the sovereign God and the incredible grace He's ushered over us. My boys are enveloped into a church family that loves them as their own. They are safe, happy to be themselves in their Father's house, and they know they are loved.

Yesterday I spent $4 on a 15-minute horse ride for Benjamin. The stables are minutes from our house. While I wrestled through my worries, Benjamin sauntered down a trail on horseback with a view of Table Mountain. His young guide chatted with him like they were equals. He had no idea he was performing equine therapy to regulate an autistic child. They were both beaming by the end of it.

I was thankful to the point of tears, remembering God has prepared the table for us, right here at Table Mountain. Benjamin radiated with peace, pride and joy. His guide giggled and said, "Benji was the highlight of my day. I hope he can come back."

And I remember God's ways are better than mine. He's always known about that trail with a view. He always prepares the path for His children. He's got the whole world in His hands.


πŸ™ŒIt's the Friday Call to Worship!πŸ™Œ


πŸ™ŒIt's the Friday Call to Worship!πŸ™Œ