Not A Story - But A Step.

My husband asked me why I haven’t been writing… And then proceeded to tell me that I looked like I was punched in the face by his question.

I sort of was. Because I don’t know. My voice shook and stammered while I tried to think it through.

What’s my vision? Where’s my voice? Who is this for? Do I have anything to say?

The truth is nothing has changed. My purposes, passions and our incredible stories are still pulsing along, getting better by the moment. Our increasingly riskier prayers, expanded vision, and capacity stretching is more than enough to write home about. It’s enough to remind us all that we have an opportunity to live lives bigger than ourselves.

Every single one of us can sign up to be a part of something bigger than us, something that stands for eternity. By definition, it’s impossible to keep that inside of you. So you should probably write about it – or speak, sing, give a hug, open a door or carry groceries for someone.

I’m here this morning without a story, but with a step.

I am leaving in 15 minutes to teach a group of impoverished, struggling families some life-giving skills that could change their trajectory. After lunch, I will sit with a 13-year old boy who has lived an unfathomable story and help him find the God-given strengths and passions that have never been identified by him or anyone in his home. Then, I’ll pick up Lifa from school, do homework and go to swim lessons. There are a lot of blessings, dreams and desire tucked into those sentences and into this Monday.

The greatest win for today, however, is to stop asking questions and letting my insecurities and inadequacies spiral out of control. The greatest win is to just write something.  

You have to be moving to have momentum.

Your miracles and breakthroughs happen inside your momentum.

We honor God with our movement.

On this Monday morning I’m defying the mindsets that paralyze me from walking in my purpose. I am made to make God known.

The way He lets me do that is my dinner table - and inviting the people who can’t make it for dinner to this digital dinner table. SO COME IN.

I’ll keep cooking. You keep coming, and eventually we will start telling stories.

Let’s all take a Monday morning step. Let’s break off one thing that defies your design. Do one thing different today, and don’t worry about the finished product or answering all the big questions in life.


You’ve already got what it takes. So just take one step.

Let’s make stories.


Why I Joined the Gym


Family Works. AND LIFA'S 10 TODAY!