Quick Clicks For The Win!

We were created for eternal life, therefore we want our earthly lives to impact the generations to come. I think that’s why I can get flustered by the mundane, repetitive motions of life: crumb cleaning, work commuting, zoom calling, laundry folding, diaper changing, car washing. 

I probably “should” say that every countertop you wipe down is for the glory of God. It’s true that it’s harder to leave a legacy on two months of toast crumbs. But also.... Maybe there’s more.

Maybe your current season of life is jam packed, and it seems impossible to add one more thing. I hear ya! But sometimes it’s adding the eternal part that makes daily life more livable. Maybe it’s adding a big thing, like a family service project that gets you outside of yourself, routine and makes you feel alive. Or maybe it’s just a small thing, like asking Siri to help you send an encouraging text message while you keep doing all the other things you need to do anyway.

All the things that you did today added tiny little pebbles to the story of your life. And if you’re having trouble finding meaning, purpose or passion... add something to your story that builds up someone else. In addition to the crumbs and pebbles, do one thing today that you know has eternal value. Hint: Doing eternal things always involves other people. Close people or far people. It doesn’t matter.

You can build the Kingdom of God (and find meaning in your days) through grand gestures and magnanimous generosity. AND you can build it just as significantly through thoughtful, dictated text messages or a quick click that does something good. 

Some days I get to pray with others, teach the Bible and disciple. I wipe crumbs, counters and fingers at least 132 times a day, every day. Many days, the only reach I have outside of my daily tasks involve a quick click. A Facebook share, a giving link, or a virtual reach for someone. 

Here are some easy clicks I’ve done recently to give you an idea.  You don’t have to click these. Click for things you care about. But if you need a jumpstart for this Kingdom clicking,  an easy start so you can go to bed tonight knowing that you did something that mattered, definitely click one of these . As silly as it sounds, one quick click can help you remember you are part of something bigger than yourself. You have incredible value to add to eternity’s glory!

Here’s what I’ve been quick clicking lately: 

Help a family! 

Baby Theo is the newest Help Club for Moms baby. His parents are missionaries and paying cash for his emergency delivery and NICU stay after his very early arrival. Click here to donate to their medical expenses


Rate a podcast!

Click one of these links to check out the new Help Club for Moms podcast. Even if you’re not a mom or podcast listener, click the link and give it a 5-star rating to help moms all over the world find Christ-centered, Biblical encouragement. 

Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/30y2s6Z

Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3jrFnu4

Google Podcasts: https://bit.ly/3iqIDVh


Invite someone to church!

Share a link to one of Chris’ recent sermons to share the powerful love of Jesus. 

How to build resilience

Dealing with rejection

Mindtraps: Victim Mindset:


I finally got it.


Our Week in Pictures!