I finally got it.

If you’ve been around me or my writing for more than a minute, you’ve probably noticed I talk a lot about the Help Club for Moms. I reached out to the leader, Deb, over a year ago and asked if I could bring Help Club to South Africa and “make it a thing”. 

I’ve lost count of how many phone calls, prayers and encouraging discussions I’ve had with Deb and the Help Club team members since then. I’ve been honored to write regularly for the international ministry. 

I think I’ve told Deb a million times how much I admire her leadership. She leads directly out of her relationship with God. Her heart is for Jesus first, her family next, and then her team and our families. She doesn’t waver from that no matter how busy she gets. She has taught me the power of prayer and relying on God on a whole new level. I’ve spent the last year being a student to Deb’s leadership and learning from the incredible Help Club for Moms team. 

Recently, I’ve been telling Chris and Deb that I don’t know how to move forward with Help Club South Africa. I couldn’t catch the vision for how to develop leaders, and I know there’s much more potential for it than what I can manage alone. I was afraid all the moms I know are too busy. I didn’t want to ask too much. I just couldn’t see what was next. They both patiently prayed, encouraged and spoke Truth over me. 

And then I finally got it. I burst into an impromptu explosion with my small group at the end of yesterday’s virtual book study meeting as the Holy Spirit was answering my prayers. I finally could see what I was looking for. 

Here it is: I am different. 

I am foundationally different - stronger, steadier, and more joyful - because of the work God has done in me through the Help Club for Moms. When you go all in... when you work the Help Club,  it works for you. In its simplest form, this ministry created for moms to encourage moms to know the love of Christ, stands on these Biblical pillars: Study the Bible. Meet with other people. Pray together. That is eternally guaranteed to work, and Help Club has a way of making it doable and fun for even the busiest mom. 

When I became more than a casual consumer of good news, fun resources and encouragement on-demand...

When I poured my time and talent into something I believed in...

When people believed in me and prayed with me constantly...

When I started seeing God answer the quick, powerful prayers of busy moms...

I changed. And I am changing. 

And now I know what’s next. 

I can’t change the life of every Facebook scroller in a half hour on a Thursday afternoon. I can’t help a family turn toward Christ in one quick swipe or even during a two-month book study. BUT I can be stronger in my identity in Christ, more loving in my marriage, and better for my family. And I can believe in this for another mom.  I can invite other busy moms in to be a part of something bigger than themselves and be changed. Now that I see it in me, I believe they’ll get it too. They’ll start to want to reach others too. 

Right now I’m praying for a group of moms to grow deeper with. The ones who want to give something (time and talent) to get something. The ones who believe that, in the middle of this busy life, it’s worth leaning into the Word, prayer and community. That natural outflow from there is wanting to help others do that too.

I can get behind that all day long. Pray with me! And watch. Watch mamas hearts change, families grow stronger, and the generations to come be marked by love because mama showed up. 

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