Do the Right Things Right

We all know 2020 has been a very different kind of year. As I think ahead toward this holiday season, I see that I am different too. In a year of forced isolation, I have nurtured a stronger faith, healthier marriage and wider community than I could have imagined. 2020 pulled out the weeds, slowed down the traffic, and kept us home to do the hard work. 

We get a fresh start for the holidays. All the old rules and old ways are out the window! I’m asking myself what is important for the rest of this year and what is not. What do I want to do more of and what do I need to do less of to make that happen. 

Right now, I have a freakishly needy toddler and an awesome pre-teen who often doesn’t get the time and attention he deserves (because of the needy toddler). I want to do less super-momming - cooking, cleaning and preparing behind the scenes this year. I want to stick with the simple stuff to make room for intentional time with my boys. 

I want to eat watermelon, play with water, and make sweet memories every day instead of ramping up for that one big day of the year. That’s just me, and that’s just for this year. Your right thing could be totally different- even the exact opposite. For me, that means I’m ordering pies instead of baking them and cooking Thanksgiving dinner for 3 families instead of 25. 

I want to disciple Lifa by inviting him into planning this simplified version of a holiday season. I want it to be extraordinary because the right things we choose to do reach him, see him and love him right where he’s at.  

Check out today’s Thankful Thursday video for more Scripture and practical encouragement on how to do this! 

What do you want to do more of this holiday season? And what do you need to do less of so you can? 


Less Learning. More Living.


I'm an adult, and I have to do something about it.