Better Together

The Ladd house has been full throttle for the past few weeks! We’ve been making the rounds to high school interviews, open days and info sessions for Lifa. We’re thrilled to be hosting Cape Town Nights - an awesome and authentic young adults service - and Help Club for Moms. We’ve had our home full of dinner guests, coffee meetings, tutors and homework projects, and a little wild man who’s figured out how to go into turbo mode on all fours. 

On Monday morning, Chris and I took turns catching and containing Benjamin over two warm-is cups of coffee. We wanted to connect before the hustle of a new week began. Last week I didn’t even have time to make my calendars, and the whole system broke! I needed this connection with my husband more than I needed to breathe. I told Chris I’m so excited and so happy for all the opportunities, people, and things there are to do. But I have no idea how to do them or where to even start. 

Benjamin started chucking books across the room and chasing after them, laughing hysterically. We looked at each other across the coffee table (me on the floor, him on the couch) and agreed that we had no idea. But we are always better together. We decided prioritize staying connected to each other this week. We always have a greater capacity for whatever is in front of us when we are unified. 

I’m quick to prioritize based on the loudest thing. Guess what: My kids are always the loudest thing! And they are very important. But there’s an order to the way things work. When you board an airplane, they tell you to put your own oxygen mask on before you help your children. You have to be able to breathe to help others breathe. That seems obvious.I have to stay connected to God and my husband to be able to thrive in any rhythm of life. I don’t know when or how to do all the things, but I know I can’t do any of them if I’m not breathing. So, with one eye on the baby, I soaked up 30 minutes of face to face time with my handsome man on Monday morning. We took a deep breath before we started all the things. I committed to breathe with him this week. 

With fresh air in my lungs and the ability to see clearly again, I packed up turbo baby and we went to the aquarium. No good would come out of both of us spinning around the house like little tornadoes, one making messes and the other cleaning up... 

A fresh breath to get in order with my husband made space in my busy brain for my sweet boy and I to relish in the wonder of God’s crazy creations and be in awe in the middle of a Monday. 


While You Are Tired


You look like what you look at.