I’ve been thinking a lot about blessings and choosing what kind of legacy to write into your family and the generations ahead of you.  I don’t want to react to my life and see what people say about it at the end. I want to write the blessings I want to impart on my children and grandchildren in advance. I think it will help me stick to the script as life happens. 

I’m trying to share something with you every day Monday - Friday... so today you’re getting my rough draft. Some very early morning prayers. I want to sit on this, let it stew for a bit. And then I want to sit down with my husband and write out a blessing for the generations ahead of us. I don’t think there’s magic in it, but I do believe the Holy Spirit is in us and has given us authority in the domain of loving, guarding and guiding our family. And I know we all can fall off track if we don’t have a checkpoint to go back to. 

My blessing: I speak a blessing of freedom, joy, delight and secure attachment over our family. I bless our family and all the generations to come with freedom to love and be loved, knowing their value and identity comes from You, Jesus. Bless our whole family with freedom to be themselves, to figure out who they are, to try new things, to fail and to fall, to learn and to laugh, to run and return, to taste and see, to rest and to wrestle, to give all they’ve got even when they get nothing in return. Let us be a family that respects, loves, honors, encourages and celebrates each other on the good and bad days because we are a family that knows that Jesus died for us on our good and bad days. Let us be a family that knows there’s nothing without perfect love, and perfect love casts out fear and covers a multitude of sins. Amen

What do you think about this pre-decided on blessing idea? 

It’s a new thing I’m just throwing around over here. 

How do you want to bless your family?


The Pandemic at the Ladd House


Is anybody else getting a little weird during quarantine?