Live Loved Today.
I hosted a virtual Help Club for Moms meeting on Monday night. I shared a simple truth: You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to be anything. Just be loved by God, and let your kids see that love.
Our kids see our worsts and our bests. At this stage in the lockdown, they might be seeing more of our worsts. During our Help Club meeting, moms wept about their “worsts” and fears about how their children were being impacted by them. We were all surprised at how much we needed two things: to remember how much God loves us. And for another person to hear our worst and say the best.
Whatever combination of your bests and worsts showed up today, know that God’s love for you is more than enough. It heals broken hearts, replaces lies with truth, and turns the conquered into conquerors.
Our kids aren’t keeping score. They are learning to live by the ways we live. So, today, live loved. And tomorrow, live loved. You can write a legacy of love through your bests and your worsts.