It's not the new normal. It's glitter tape.
I went OUT today!! ... to a stationary store.
My face mask fogged up my glasses, and the continuous hand sanitizer spray-down burned my weightlifting blisters, but I was out! (It’s been a while.)
It’s weird out there. I didn’t know where to stand, what all the red tape meant, or if it is more socially appropriate to talk to people or to not talk to people . There’s all kinds of talk about the “new normal”, but it’s not really normal. It doesn’t even feel new anymore... And will we ever go back to the “old normal”?
I didn’t go out to do anything normal today. All the normal things I used to go out for are delivered to our gate by other people wearing face masks. Today, I went out for glitter tape, a new pack of markers, and my very own scissors that I will not share with anyone. (Scissors are a disappearing, hot commodity around here.)
I’m done thinking about “new normals”, looking to the past, or worrying about the future. I’m thinking about who I want to become and what steps I can take toward that now.
Cue: glitter tape.
I want to become a habitual, disciplined woman of prayer. I love praying! I pray every day. But I want to go deep. I want it to become me and for me to become it. So I’m creating a daily habit by making a prayer binder. (You can read more about prayer binders here.)
Maybe glitter tape is not your thing. Maybe not even a new pair of scissors . (I also got a duck egg-colored ruler!) So what is important to you? Who do you want to become, and what can you do to take one step toward that today?
And how can I pray for you? I’ll put it in the binder.
Our last outing before lockdown! He’s become a full-grown man since then.