We had a sushi Saturday

Lifa’s favorite food is sushi. We haven’t had sushi in a LONG time, and it’s typically reserved for something special. Just a few weeks before the lockdown began, Chris and I had a chance to go out on our first kid-free date since Benjamin was born. We went straight to our fave sushi dive - a place called Andy’s Sushi Bar. It is not fancy, but the sushi is GOOD and cheap. Which means we eat lots! Lifa was so jealous!

This weekend we decided to celebrate Lifa. He’s had a great attitude through the entire lockdown. He’s extraordinarily helpful and kind at home. He’s so good with his little brother. He’s walked through a lot of hardship with resilience and grace. But that is not why we wanted to celebrate Lifa. We wanted to celebrate him because we love him. Because he’s great! Because he’s ours, and we love that. Because the things he loves are important. Because HE is important!

Restaurants are open for pick up orders now, so I called Andy’s and ordered a ridiculous amount of sushi. A celebration spread! I told Lifa we wanted to celebrate him just for being him. We wanted to get the things he loves because we love him. He lit up! And we... ate... sushi.... And Lifa ate sushi again the next day....

We get it wrong OFTEN as parents. But I love weaving moments of silly celebrations and sushi into Lifa’s story. I hope he looks back on those moments and tell his children about the time his dad said he could have sushi for breakfast on Sunday morning. 


**cover image from Dineplan- Andy’s Sushi Bar


In our family, we walk


Thankful Thursday on a Friday!