Hey! We're still here!

Last week I announced we were going offline for a week to update our website, but our website guy (Chris Ladd) is busy this week recording two sermons for online church. He’s SO GOOD! So we’re still here, bringing you fresh Ladd family news and hopefully some moments of encouragement along the way. 

Today I’m just going to give you a few updates. Tomorrow I’ll try to inspire you. 

  1. Chris had an AWESOME 37th birthday! I created a “morning experience” for him, gave him an epic fountain pen, and Lifa sealed the deal with the most incredible movie of birthday greetings. THANK YOU to the Friday Fivers who showed up and sent in a video of encouragement. You reached him deeper, further and wider than you’ll ever know. 

  2. Lifa’s elbows are still broken. X-rays revealed it was worse than we thought originally! Multiple breaks + internal bleeding... which Lifa thinks makes him sound awesome. He’s not in pain most of the time and alternates which arm he wears a sling on. All he actually cares about is getting back to school. 

  3. Cape Town seems to think Coronavirus is cancelled. With the introduction of Level 3 Lockdown, Table Mountain has been opened and outdoor time restrictions have been lifted. It’s NUTS out there! We did a Table Mountain drive-by this weekend and, while we watched people stand shoulder-to-shoulder, face-mask free, sipping coffee, Lifa sank into a deep pool of self-pity, sure that COVID-19 was going to make a comeback and his grade 7 year was sunk. 

  4. Benjamin the explorer has developed a bit of anxiety if he’s not in the safety of our gate or his stroller since such a large portion of his life has been on lockdown. We’ve been practicing walking around on sidewalks outside our gate and spent two days this weekend at an open field to play in dirt, walk on trails and feel the leaves. Both boys loved it.

  5. We’ve got a rising movie maker in the Ladd family! Lifa came alive making a movie for his dad, and even more so when he saw how proud Chris was of him. Since then, Chris has let Lifa take an online course on iMovie and given him a movie project. Stay tuned for movies by Lifa!

  6. The best sound in our home is a 14-month old and a 12-year old playing together and HYSTERICALLY laughing. 

  7. Lifa’s least favorite chore is cleaning and de-stemming kale. 

  8. Benjamin’s hair is growing out to be the perfect combination of a grandpa and a boy band member.

  9. Chris hasn’t shaved since lockdown began. 

  10. Sleep training worked!!!


"Do you want to go on a ride?"


Two Big Announcements!