Record Breaking Sandwich Making

Saturday was Mandela Day - a global call to action that celebrates the idea that each individual has the power to transform the world, the ability to make an impact. As you can imagine for us here in South Africa, Mandela Day is a BIG DEAL! Nelson Mandela fought for social justice for 67 years, so we celebrate his birthday on July 18th each year by spending 67 minutes to serve others. 

Southpoint Church has partnered with Ladles of Love for several months, helping to feed homeless and those in need around Cape Town. Ladles of Love set a goal to make 125,000 sandwiches in an hour for Mandela Day, and our church jumped right in! Chris came home with two bags full of sandwich making supplies, and Lifa was thrilled to be a part of the challenge. 

The sandwich gauntlet was dropped, and the church responded! You should have seen the timers set, the photos flying. Carbohydrate are excitement levels were soaring! At 10am, Southpoint Church and many other Ladles of Love supporters were going to get to it!

Later that day, I received this text: 

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We were made for this stuff, y’all. For spreading our gifts, resources and care to people around us. When we’re social distancing, that may look like spreading apricot jam on a piece of white bread, a text message FULL of emoji hearts, or a driveway birthday scream-sing like we heard from our neighbors’ house today. 

Love is love, even from a distance. Spread some love.  Break the record. 


The Creepiest Thing I've Ever Said to My Children


I took what I had and called it holy.