It's different this time

If you have been a friend of the Ladd family for long, you probably know about our visa issues. If you’re new here, HI!!! We’re so glad you’re here! The short version: My volunteer visa has been stuck in various pipes of the legal system for years. Yes, years. Because of that, neither of our children have birth certificates, passports or the documents they need to travel or have basic rights. Chris has been the only one able to travel for the last 4 1/2 years and has only been to America for a few short days during that time to officiate his brother’s wedding. 

Today, Chris went to collect his results for his volunteer visa application. Our immigration lawyers explained it would be short and sweet - it was an open and shut application. He just had to go open the envelope. 

The envelope was a rejection letter. Here we go again. 

There’s a process, and we have great lawyers. But there are so many “but’s”.

We just have to appeal, but the submissions office is still closed for COVID. The reason for rejection was just a paperwork issue, BUT the two people in line before Chris had clerical errors as well (one guy’s new visa was void because they misspelled his name on the visa)  so a huge backlog is developing now. It should be no problem to get the visa, but his legal visa may expire before offices open again, and then there are other legal ramifications to deal with for overstaying your visa. 

Today, while I spoke Scripture over our family and tried to keep my face turned toward Truth with my boys at the park, Chris did what we’ve done every time a legal encounter has gone wrong: he bought me bon bons. Five of them- my fave from Honest Chocolate. And he told me I don’t have to share them. That’s a good man. 

We are battle weary. Our knees are sore from years of praying. We’ve confessed our hurt and frustration to each other as it has ebbed and flowed through losses and longings. It feels like we’ve been around this mountain again and again.

BUT there is one thing different this time. 

Before, we were alone. I started banging down heaven and home affairs’ doors in 2011 for Lifa’s birth certificate all on my own. Chris and I started dealing with my visa as foreigners in a new city, trying to start a church from nothing in 2015. We were so very alone, and we learned so many things the hard way. From the very beginning of the Ladd family, we dealt with disappointment and loneliness.

BUT this time... this rejection letter... this new battle... it is different because we are not alone. Before Chris even left to go pick up the envelope, he sent out a prayer request to the community group leaders at our church. We had an army of faithful leaders with us even before we knew we’d need them. And Help Club showed up too! I sent a prayer request out, and my friend, mentor and hero in faith, Deb called. She prayed over us, spoke Truth to me, and loaned me some encouragement and hope where I had none left. 

We wish we had freedom to travel, to see our families, to introduce our children to their extended families... BUT we have a  family here who is actually celebrating that we’re stuck with them. We are not here alone, scraping by unseen and isolated. We belong to a body, and that changes everything. 

There will always be a battle, BUT there’s a really important “but” to remember:

“In this world you will have trouble. BUT take heart! I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33b NIV


Chris and I want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts to those who’ve stood faithfully in the trenches with us and prayed all these years. We know that even when we’ve felt alone way over here, we have not been without a body of believers praying for us, and supporting us spiritually, emotionally and financially. You have held up our arms, hit your knees, and kept us hopeful through our relationships with you and Jesus. All day today, we recited our blessings and the incredible abundance that we live in. We’ve been so humbled on this “rejection day” at God’s provision through His people. Thank you. 

If you want to partner with us in prayer, please pray that Chris and I would both be able to attain valid, 3 -year volunteer visas, and that we would be able to get birth certificates and passports for our boys. Thank you!!! We love you!  


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