It's "Find a Way to Win" Week

Is there anyone else out there who thrives on schedule, rhythm and routine?

Does anybody live their best life within some good old fashioned structure?

And then 2020 happened!?!

It’s not that I’m anal or hyper-organized. (You could ask my husband about that... but don’t.) But I do thrive on order. One of the ways I care for my family is by bringing order to our home. I’m convinced that it was steady rhythms and healthy routines that gave Lifa the ability to have a healthy attachment in our family. I’ll never his 3-year old face when coming back to my house after being with his biological father. He’d run straight to the bathroom to make sure his toothbrush was still there, and it was like joy kicked into auto-pilot once we resumed our nighttime routine. 

A pandemic. A toddler. Broken elbows. School closing, opening, changing calendars, closing and then changing calendars again. An ongoing battle for legal documents. Order and structure is so out the window in 2020! 

New game plan. Our new structure and order this week is all about finding a way to win ever day, no matter what curve balls come our way. Yesterday was the perfect time to kick it off. Benjamin woke up at 5am and had approximately 12 meltdowns by 5:14am. Coffee doesn’t even work anymore. By 7am, we marched into Lifa’s dark room, climbed up the ladder to his loft bed (not an easy task with a ninja toddler in your arms) and made a heck of a noise about getting up and getting out. Chris was going to be away most of the day and evening to run the tech behind church online, so it was up to me and the boys to find a way to win. By 7:40, we were on our way to the ocean. 

We didn’t let exhaustion or whining decide our day for us. We found a way to win. We live in CAPE TOWN! We can see the ocean on a Sunday morning and still be on time for church online. It was THE BEST. Benjamin forgot his misery and was convinced everyone was there for him. He waved at every person and pup who walked by and charmed the entire promenade. It was a surprisingly warm winter morning, and the ocean breeze was just right. We loaded up at 9am to come home for breakfast and church. 

The morning was forever long. I had to build forts and watch church online with a baby on my shoulders. But we won. Instead of going stir crazy with a tired, bored baby at home, we all breathed in God’s handiwork and laughed hard at a happy boy basking in his own parade. We found a way to win. I think it’s going to be a great week!

Join us this week as we find a way to win every day! Later this week I’ll share some resources Lifa and I created for the kids who are alwaysssss home. 


Just Go Big!


It's different this time