Just laugh about it!

Have you ever had one of those moments that, even while you were in it, you couldn’t believe this was your real life? I’m not talking about your deepest, darkest secrets. I’m talking about the everyday lows. The things you said you would never do, like giving your kid candy in the supermarket line so they wouldn’t throw a fit. One of mine was week three into having a newborn and realizing I’d already done 99% of the new mom things I said I would never do.

Those “I didn’t think I was this person” moments happen on the reg now. I’ve just started taking pictures of them to send to my husband or sister. I’d rather laugh with them than cry alone! I could be really uptight because I’m not meeting my own standards or the ones I think the rest of the world is holding me to. Or I can realize the rest of the world is freaking out because they ate all the candy they keep in their purses to keep their kids quiet, and they don’t really care about what I’m doing.  I’ve got no room left to judge any one else because I’ve been there and done that... and taken a pic of it. 

One great way to win this week is to take a picture of the most ridiculous moments - the one where you are so exhausted or discouraged that you feel like you can’t go on - and then give it a great caption. If you eat cookies for dinner, take a picture of the wrapper and send it to a friend with a laugh. Our lows aren’t so low when we shine the light of laughter on them. They make us more human and more relatable to each other. I’ve been texting Chris pics this week - things like naked, filthy Benjamin pressing all the buttons on the washing machine. I caption them as though they are from Benjamin. “Everything is a disaster, Dad. Mom’s just drinking coffee. Doesn’t matter.” 

You’re probably better at life than you think you are. When you can’t find the win, find a way to laugh at it! 


Remember How You've Already Won


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