That Time We Got COVID...

We did it! We did it! We did it!

All 3 of those “We did it’s” count because here’s what we did:

1. We packed up an entire house, moved, and unpacked it all over again...

2. WHILE Chris worked 18 hour days to get things in order for church online, and I was kickstarting our new virtual Help Club Bible study…

3. WHILE Benjamin and I had COVID.

*We did that last week.*

Benjamin and I are on the up-and-up! We are recovering from two intense weeks of physical activity with a virus raging through our bodies. We’re tired, and our stomachs are being weird. And we get grumpy. We were never in danger - just had some pesky symptoms to deal with while managing a move in isolation. We are staying quarantined an extra week to stay on the safe side and let ourselves recover. (Chris and Lifa stayed healthy!)

We did a lot. But you know what we did not do? Cook dinner.

Southpoint Church and Help Club for Moms rose up. Dinner after dinner found it’s way to our doorstep. Dark chocolate was dropped off, and people prayed in the street for us.

COVID and quarantine can have a way of making us feel disconnected. We wonder what is happening to the world, churches, and the development of our children. We complain of “Zoom fatigue”, and virtual connections get fewer and further between.

That’s how I felt before I got COVID and life was just more inconvenient. Now that I have a stack of dishes to return, a hidden stash of chocolate to nibble, and a team of busy mamas helping me distribute Help Club books through the country so I never had to touch them… I believe that this weird season of life we’re in - physically, financially, emotionally, mentally pandemically (that should be a word by now) - is a super-season where a little goes a long, long, supernaturally long way.

No one has entered the threshold of my home, and I have not set foot on church property… but I feel more held by the Church than I ever have. I feel more seen, more touched and more loved by God in this exhausting season of isolating.

Whether you’ve have COVID or not... Whether you’ve hit the edge of all your limits yet or not… Whether you’ve helped someone or not…

Cook a dinner. Drop off chocolate. Pray in the street. Write a note. Buy popsicles. Find one thing you can do with what you have. Even if it’s within walls of your own home - *espeically there.*

In a time such as this, the very little things you do carry heavy weight. It’s futile to ruminate on what we are unable to do. It blocks your view of the exponential power of what you choose to do. I’ve been on the receiving end. Trust me. If everyone did one little thing, the world would truly change - one day, one home, one heart at a time.

This is the perfect time to change the world.

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The Lifa and Benjamin Show


A Mic Drop Question for the Mamas