They say I have a full plate...

My husband looked at my crossed eyes today during the inevitable afternoon slump and asked how I was. We had just squeezed in a meeting with our immigration lawyer before going our separate ways for the day again. I smiled and said, “I am so good!” I was still wearing a COVID screening sticker from the hospital where I’d just been to see Benjamin’s paediatrician after another night of high fevers. (He is fine!) 


I mindlessly peeled of my sticker while proclaiming “I am done giving ‘tired talk’ any of my time.” People keep saying, “You have so much on your plate. You do so much. How’s your baby sleeping?  You must be so tired.” 

I told Chris, “I am actually tired 24 hours a day, but I am the very best kind of tired there is. I am completely spent from tiptoeing through the house at 4am to read my Bible, loving my children around the clock, building wonderful friendships, praying with people, writing encouraging content, developing a ministry and building a church. Why would I talk about being tired when there’s so much more to talk about!?! One day, I’m going to miss this kind of tired.” (He openly judged me for saying I would miss the tired! 😂) 

I put Benjamin down for his nap just in time for a legendary teacher of God’s Word to visit me. Les B has been at our church much longer than I have, and it was such an honor that she came over just so we could pray together. She came with full arms, a full heart and shared her story and passions. 

She filled my table with her husband’s famous sandwiches and homemade jam, two loaves of garlic bread and two kinds of spread to go with it! In that sweet and sacred moment, I couldn’t help but think, “Yes I DO have a full plate. My whole table is full!" 

And then I picked up Lifa from rugby practice, and it was all gone in one bite. So now I have a full teen too! 


The Friday Call to Worship


Why and How To Pray