The Friday Call to Worship

🙌It's the Friday Call to Worship🙌

"This world is crazy! Do you see what's happening around us?" 

The Bible is filled with stories of the world being just as crazy (maybe more!) than today's world. In the Old Testament, God responded with mass destruction to wipe away the bad so there could be good again. 

Then Jesus came. 

Jesus did not come to change the circumstances of the world. Scripture reminds us that hasn't worked. The mess comes back. Jesus came to change your citizenship. (Phil 3:20)

This world may be crazy, but you are not of this world. Bad things are happening around you when you look through the media and the world's lenses. But what if you looked with the eyes of your spirit? 

Because of Jesus, you are an ambassador of heaven. (2 Cor 5:20) You have the authority to bring heaven to earth. In fact, as a new creation with Christ inside of you, you ARE heaven on earth! (2 Cor 5:17) Listen to Brandon Lake's "Temple" to remember who you are and encourage you in what to look for. 

You always find what you are looking for. Can you see Christ living and active? Can you see what He has done for you and wants to do for others? Praise His Name! He stays good and stays with you, even when there is bad around us!


We went back to church!


They say I have a full plate...