If you were stranded on a desert island...

Lifa’s got the first month of high school under his belt and is loving every second of it. He goes to an all-boys school that flourishes on unity, school pride, a sense of family, and pushes the bar in sports. It’s Lifa’s dream world! (And can we all agree he’s way too handsome to go to school with girls?)

Recently, each student was tasked to create a two minutes presentation for their English class about who and what they would take if they were stranded on a desert island. The boys are merging together from many different primary schools, so this was a fun way to get to know each other.

I could sense the “first impression” pressure from the get-go. They had to decide who to take and why, as well as what music album, book, and few possessions. I might have just been having flashbacks of my own 13-year old insecurities, but that seemed like an overwhelming task as you try to find your own identity and present other with who you want them to see. I bid him “good luck” on his music and book choices. Chris gave him some survivor tool suggestions that blew his mind. After Lifa thought on it for a while, I took the time to give some feedback on who I would take and why. I threw it out there, and let him run with it. Mama’s given up micromanaging these days. It’s every Ladd for himself over here.

Lifa came home from school yesterday and said his presentation was amazing! He's a natural communicator and lights up in front of people. He was proud of what he shared. It was only then I found out he had really taken my suggestion to heart and added his sense of humor in with it.

Lifa showed a slide of his dad, flashed a big “WHY” on the screen, and then showed a picture of Chris next to soccer start, Cristano Ronaldo

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“I told them I would take Dad if I were stranded on a desert island and made them think about it. I said that if I took Cristiano Reynaldo, well, yeah that would be cool. Cristiano Ronaldo is here. But Cristiano Ronaldo is going to do everything in his power to save his own life. My dad is going to do whatever it takes to save mine.”

Isn’t that the truest truth there ever was?

It doesn’t matter how old you are. The world will continuously say, “Do the coolest thing. Be more like this person or that one.”

Your Dad (your heavenly Father) has done and will continue to do whatever it takes to save your life.

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The Friday Call to Worship


We went back to church!