πŸ™Œ It’s the Friday Call to Worship! πŸ™Œ

I've gone to bed weary and heavy-laden most nights this week. We've had some loss and strain in our family recently that has made for restless nights. Exhaustion was building and rest was fleeting as I re-played my list of longings and re-prayed the cries of my heart, again and again, night after night.

When I ran out of words, I started listening to the song, "I Shall Not Want". It is based on Psalm 23, the famous shepherd's song. It struck a chord in me because I do want. I want, and I want. 

My list of wants is not radical- most not even material. The world would tell me to go pursue my wants. It might even say I deserve them. Christians have told me so. But the Word says, "The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want."

Wanting is not inherently bad, but it does not satisfy. Re-playing and re-praying made me thirsty. It didn't raise my faith. It raised my awareness of myself. I needed to put God back on the throne this week, and take a step down myself. 

The song I played spoke to my own heart and to my King: β€œI got everything that I need: Your goodness and Your mercy." When I sing about what I have rather than lament for what I don't, I don't always stop wanting. But I do stop thirsting. My cup runs over with Living Water, and it really is everything I need.

God cares about what we care about. Every desire of our hearts are precious to Him. He wants you to encounter His goodness and mercy even more than you want that thing you want most. He left heaven for earth to quench your thirst. Take a big drink of cold water today, and sing the shepherd's song to your soul and to the Lord! 


Down On A Mat


I Got a Rolodex