How to Hope When You Don't Know How

I hope to write more about this soon. I shared vulnerably with our church and the Help Club Moms live on Thursday night about it. Last week in South Africa - the violence, injustices, and outrages circumstances that people I love found themselves in - it got to me. It hurt my hoper. I wrestled and struggled in a way that I never have. I poured my tears out and confessed my low place to my husband. I wrestled through it with his compassion and care right next to me.

Not having hope as an anchor for your soul is a scary thing. I hope I can communicate it eloquently soon. (It would help if the kids went back to school too!) But for now, I wanted to share this video with you in case you can relate to having a hurting hoper. Love you all.


🙌 It's the Friday Call to Worship! 🙌


Visa Update!