πŸ™Œ It's the Friday Call to Worship! πŸ™Œ

Have you ever known your thought life was out of control but didn't know how to change it? Recently, I felt betrayed by my own binging brain. Lies, confusion, worry, frustration - you name it, I gorged on it. I knew exactly what was happening. I could look outside of myself and see God's hand on me, yet my state of mind was wrought with negativity.

When my thoughts aren't trustworthy, I lean into the One whose thoughts are higher than mine. (Isa 55:8-9) I open Scripture, and borrow Spirit-breathed words for my prayers. Venting, complaining or waiting until I feel better isn't the anecdote. That's not what Jesus did at Calvary.

I turn Psalm 42 into my own song. I transcribe Hebrews 12, Ephesians 1, Psalm 23 or any other passage that comes to mind into a first-person conversation with Jesus. His Word is living and active, sharper than a double-edged sword. (Hebrews 4:12)

Jesus came to do what we could not do on our own. He keeps doing it every day. He knew there would be days we struggle more than others. He experienced turmoil in his own mind and soul. He understood loss and knew some seasons would be heavier than others. He took it all in His hands, and gives us everything we need to make it through what's left in ours.

Sing Scripture this week as you sing Shane and Shane’s "Psalm 42 (Loudest Praise)". Wield your weapon. You don't have to have it all together. Just use the tools He gave you.

"...Come to me.. .for I am your oasis... Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please... For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear.” Matthew 11:28-30 TPT


Then and Now


A letter to my friend