A letter to my friend

This week a friend sent me a picture with a thank you note. It was a picture of a letter I had written for the Help Club for Mom’s book. She said, “These words really ministered to me today.” I went back to that letter, and guess what… they ministered to me! Those words were certainly from God’s hand and not my own because I needed them for myself this week too. I wanted to share it here with all of you in case they might speak to you too.

Dear Friend,


How much time have you spent dreaming, hoping and expecting for your life - whether it was for big and small things? It's virtually impossible to begin any season of life without expectation. We approach wedding days, due dates, holidays, mealtimes, and Saturday mornings alike with a picture of what it will be, a definition of what it should be, or a dream of what it could be.

Sometimes we are pleasantly surprised when things go better than we'd hoped. We all know that painful sting of disappointment, too, when a relationship takes a turn, something isn’t what we hoped, or we face loss, financial strain, or a prodigal child.

I’m right there with you, sweet friend. While there is much I'm praising God for, many of my life's dreams aren't panning out the way I thought they would. And they won't in this lifetime. I have wrestled through deep disappointment, and found hope like a wellspring in my soul. I want to help you find hope as we kick off another week together.

You wake up every morning with expectation because you are wired for hope. You can find freedom when you remember that the hope that bubbles up in you for weekends, a hot cup of coffee, a Christ-filled home, and a thriving marriage is just a reflection of the hope you were created for.

This world will always be less than what you expect because you have hope. Hope is not a liar. Hope allows you to thrive. It keeps you moving toward something or Someone greater. Hope stirs up what you were truly made for - the love of Jesus that does not run dry, does not disappoint, and will always be better than you could imagine.

Next time you feel disappointed, speak to your soul and thank your Saviour. He has given you something even greater to put your hope in.

With love, Kacy

“And this hope is not a disappointing fantasy, because we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us!” Romans 5:5 TPT


🙌 It's the Friday Call to Worship! 🙌


A Soul Snack