My Favorite Message EVER

Several years ago, Chris and I each wrote our “Words to Live By”. We chose our own lists of God’s truths we wanted to speak over ourselves, family and future every morning. Science and scripture both prove that the direction of your thoughts determines the direction of your life, so why let whims or the world write our realities for us?

Choose truth and declaring it daily made such a profound impact on us personally that we decided to write them for our family too. We have a big printed canvas that says, “We are The Ladd Family” hanging over our dining table with our words to live by there.

This week, Chris taught the church about the value, power and practical steps about writing your own words to live by. WATCH THIS MESSAGE! And use the resources below to write your own!


A blanket full of blessings


🙌 It's the Friday Call to Worship! 🙌