I Wrote My Words to Live By!

Have you heard about Words to Live By!?! Read this short blog for everything you need to know about it. Chris and I are passionate about this discipline. I promise… it will change your life! I want to share my 2022 Words to Live By with you to encourage you to write your own! Mine my change over time as I settle into declaring them out loud daily, but here’s what I’m starting with. You can click the button below for a list of declarations that you can use to make your own. I used this list and a few other resources I’ll share below as well. Let me know if you’ve written yours too!

My 2022 Words to Live By

I am lavishly loved by my Father. He is not good to me because of what I do. He is good to me because He is good, and His delight is in me.

I have the fullness of the Holy Spirit. He is my supply and my source. It’s not up to others to satisfy me.

I love my husband and encourage, respect and honor him at all times and in all things. We will enjoy a long, healthy life together, unity in spiritual power, a godly legacy to give to others, and an ever-deepening friendship.

My children will love God and serve Him with their whole hearts. God has given us everything we need to nurture, equip, train, and empower them to do more for His kingdom than they can imagine.

My children belong to God. He is faithful to love and protect them. They will walk in freedom, joy and abundance all the days of their lives. 

I have the same power that raised Christ from the dead dwelling inside of me.

I can do all things He has called me to do through Him who strengthens and empowers me. I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace. (Phil 4:13 AMP)

God will liberally supply my every need according to His riches. (Phil 4:19)

I have a gentle and quiet spirit. I will not worry or fear, but will pray about everything with thanksgiving.

I am patient and kind. I do not envy. I am not proud or self-seeking. I am not easily offended. I keep no record of wrongs. I rejoice in the truth. I look for the best in all things and stay hopeful without weakening.

My tongue holds the power of life and death. Today I will speak blessings, encouragement and life. 

The seeds of kindness, love and power I sow today will reap one-hundredfold. (Gen 26:12)

The Spirit of peace in me has more power to influence the atmosphere than any spirit of oppression of fear. I bring God’s joy, energy, and abundance everywhere I go.

I have every resource in heaven. The law of life supersedes the law of death.

My circumstances are not my boundaries. Today I will fix my eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what it seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.  I am unlimited through Christ. (2 Cor 4:18)

Some of my declarations were also inspired by The Father’s House Bible study and the book “Living from the Unseen” by Wendy Backlund.


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Triumphant Prayer