πŸ™ŒIt's the Friday Call to Worship!πŸ™Œ

Wednesday was a public holiday, a bonus "play day" for my kids. I received bad news from family in the US on Tuesday morning that left me unsure how I'd get through Wednesday.

I was frazzled, exhausted and didn't know what I'd do wtih a two-year old and a child whose disability requires my unwavering attention to support his nervous system. I went against everything in me and took them to an indoor park for the rainy morning.

The venue had an extraordinary staff watching over the children, a restaurant, and tables for parents to socialize or work while kids played safely. I, however, put on the special socks to squeeze through tunnels, bump down slides, and scale child-size apparatuses.

Afterward, my son, who needed my constant participation, told me, "Mom, I'm so glad you got to play with me. I'm so glad you didn't miss any of the fun."

He doesn't know the accomodating and calculating I put into every moment of his day. He was just so glad I didn't miss any of the fun. He was unaware of the cost or depth of his need. He only experienced the joy of being together.

I think I'm pretty unaware of the cost or depth of my own need. I can't fully understand what Christ did on the cross or how He intercedes for me daily.

I begrudgingly put on socks for an hour on Wednesday to help my kids. Jesus put on skin and became man so He could get close enough to squeeze, slide and climb through life with us. He counted it as HIS joy. The Lord of Lords couldn't bear another moment apart from you. Doesn't that make you want to worship Him?

Listen to Brooke Ligertwood's "Bless God/Every Chance I Get"


The small moments matter.


Putting on the Grippy Socks