Two Sides of Sunday

This is what he sees right before going on stage to preach.

Chris wrote it on the wall. A choice. A declaration. A perfect description of who he is.

"I will not be a distraction.

I will not get in the way.

I will simply tell the story of the love of God."

This is Benjamin walking into church…

Let me explain. You'll get your money's worth if you make it to the very end of this story.

A few weeks ago, Benjamin's school was having a career day. He wasn't in the headsapce for lofty career dreams or going to a shop with several costume choices. But he did need quality time with his mom after having a shaky day.

So I put him in a shopping cart and rolled him around a local craft store that carried a small variety of costumes and kids items. We therapeutically walked down empty aisles while he talked, until finally arriving at the costumes.

The selection was slim. Very slim.

Jam was THRILLED. He chose a police hat and gloves. (And a massive South African flag. Because... why not.)

We took them to Chris' office where I explained that, no I had not taken our child to an adult costume store. And no, I couldn't remove the chain from the faux-leather "police hat", and yes, those silky white gloves were obviously for fighting crime and playing rugby.

He proudly wore his police costume to church today.

And he looked a little bit like a stripper cop.

And it's fine.


Putting on the Grippy Socks


🙌It's the Friday Call to Worship!🙌