We Make Cat Art
The kids were feeling artistic on this oh-so-rainy Cape Town day, so I took a chance and took them for a walk through a “grown up art museum”. My aim was simply a change of scenery and perhaps an opportunity expose Benjamin to the idea that anything can be art.
Some of my favorite Benjamin quotes were:
“This place is boring.”
“It’s too dark and quiet here.”
“This is not why I expected.”
“That is not a grown up’s art. A kid scribbled that.”
“I want to go home and make my own art.”
As it turns out, we are still in our “cardboard and masking tape TV-making and homemade cat puzzle” era of art. I’m totally cool with that.
Although he was devastated by how disappointing his outing was, Benjamin slammed a PBJ on the way home, scream-sang all the words to Lifa’s R&B love song, and came home feeling inspired to make more art.