Full Throttle Spring

Spring is blooming in South Africa! It’s the perfect time of the year to put all fives senses to work in God’s glorious creation. You can’t help but encounter the Creator in the midst of it.

I relished in watching and cheering the littlest Ladds on as they did exactly what they were meant to do - found the perfect walking sticks, dug in the dirt, studied footprints and tracks, threw rocks that were way too big, climbed, jumped, balanced, and rolled.

One day too soon, they’ll be learning what tools they need to walk their paths, excavating their own identities as they learn to relate to God and others, and finding their strengths, skills and sources of delight. I love watching them practice, even pushing them to dig deeper, search harder, throw further, and laugh from the deepest part of their bellies. And finishing off with popsicles, of course!


On becoming us…


🙌It's the Friday Call to Worship!🙌