πŸ™ŒIt's the Friday Call to Worship!πŸ™Œ

Lately, I've felt like all that I have just isn't enough for some big, hard things. But I already know what to do... Remember. This isn't the first time I've not been able to see the way. Today, I'm remembering how God showed up in November 2014, when I wrote this story from a rural village.


I always make a 25-bellyful pot of rice and beans for Sunday Lunch. I pick up a carload of friends for church and then lunch at my house. This week was a special treat. I was making soup - with meat!

At 6:30am, I realized the meat was rancid. I defrosted the 2 Β½ chicken breasts I had, added everything I could find, cooked beans to add to the pot, and threw in some pasta for good measure on my way out the door. I prayed I wouldn't take them home still hungry that afternoon.

We were invited into a home to pray for an afflicted man on the way to church. A whisper in my spirit said to come back later with Sunday Lunch leftovers. It shook me. I didn't have enough... on so many levels.

After church, I anxiously stepped into the kitchen. I was shocked to find the soup I made was no longer soup. The noodles had absorbed all the water and created a still-warm, hearty, delicious meal. It was MORE THAN twice the amount of food I had prepared. We feasted until we could eat no more.

I delivered a meal to a mom who had stayed home with a sick baby. Afterward, I filled an entire bucket with leftovers. I returned to the home where we'd prayed with a literal bucket of provision. Like the five loaves and two fish in Luke 9.

The miracle shows up when we show up for it.


Our call to worship this week is to put it all in the pot. Dig deep into what you've been given, and give it. Give thanks. Expect leftovers.

Listen to "Remember" by Bryan and Katie Torwalt.


Hiking With Headphones